Tyler Rye Workshop at the Bonneville Salt Flats Part Two

Wondering what your Engagement Pictures would look like if you took that at the Bonneville Salt Flats? Well if you go at sunrise there is a good chance they might look like this! This pre wedding session was taken during my Salt Flats Workshop back in march.

There is something magical about the Salt Flats at sunrise. It is truly a unique experience watching the sunrise over the barren white landscape. It looks like you are walking on a different planet and it’s a planet I would love to see in person! The only downside to our morning session was the fact that it was freezing! The poor models were red after a few minutes and we had to take a break. So we didn’t get to shoot for very long but we made good use of our time while we were there!

Models -The Niccoli’s

Film Lab - PhotoVision