Bonneville Salt Flats Wedding Inspiration

Shooting at the Bonneville Salt Flats is always an amazing experience. It also is one location that seems to be different every time I go there! The salt can be dry and super white, damp and reflective or it can even be muddy and moody. However, this bridal session was truly unique as it was the first time I have seen the mountains covered in a rolling fog. It was a breathtaking sight and it made the early wake up call and freezing temperatures worth it! I wanted to show movement during this session and to be honest, it was almost impossible to not show movement as the wind was out of control! I set this one up to showcase the film shots first. They were shot on Fuji400h with a Contax645. The digital images were shot using a Fujifim XT2. It was my first time shooting with the fuji digital camera so let me know what you think of those digital shots. Also feel free to shoot me an email if you want to hear my thoughts on the Fuji camera! As always leave a comment for me! 

Gown - Cathy Telle

Florals - Bushel & Peck Floral Design

Model - Annie Nguyen

Silks - Fruofruo Chic

Film Lab - Photovision


Randall & Aiyda Cobb Engagements


Big Sur Engagements